Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013!


About Allen Darman

I ordered a Second iMac today (2-28-2013) because I have already had a Devil of a Time in Regard to Hackers Heavily Attacking the first Apple Refurbished iMac I just got the other day (2-26-2013). Two Days of hacker hell! These are almost Certainly BOTH Federal Government and Mafia hackers. I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT MY SON WILLY’S ORIGINAL RECOVERY WIDELY ON THE INTERNET IN JUNE 2006. I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt! They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006! In regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record for the Guinness Book of Records.  A man in the Energy Invention Arena Named Adam Trombly has me Beat, as he has had 54!  Frankly, I am glad I am Number 2… who would want any more?  


Allen says “I am a lonely Activist for Positive Social Change. (I am Single and Looking for sure!) With a great deal of help from a heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team!, I am in the process of becoming a Power Blogger on WordPress.” Allen also says “I know it’s Against the Law, but I need Two Wives, so that One Could Keep the Other Company when I am Working.


April 9, 2012

Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013! (4-9-2012)

The new *Two Billion Dollar* Internet Cyber Security Center being built in Utah Will *Absolutely Have the Power* to *Shut Down the Internet in Whole or In Part*.

Internet Cyber Security Center?

I do not care what the Feds call this new place… for this is *What It Is*.

The Real Reason It Is Being Built (regardless of what our treacherous Federal Government says) is that…

The Feds are Justifiably Concerned that what happened in Tunisia and Egypt Revolution-wise Will Soon Happen Here in the United States.

They are Afraid.

This Internet Security Center Is Primarily Being Built *To Stop Inevitable Revolution*… Make No Mistake About This… No Matter How Many Lies the Feds Spew Out.

One Goal Here Is For the Feds to *Be Able To Monitor Virtually All Internet Activity*, to Include All Internet Communication Between People of Any Sort.

However, the Feds have Other More Sinister Goals here as well.

They want to be able to Block Emails That Are a Threat to Them in Real Time (or close).

They want to be able to Censor Video Uploads to YouTube or *Any Other Video Platform* Selectively or in Real Time as well.

They want to be able to Censor Facebook and Twitter Selectively in Real Time, and/or Shut Them Completely Down at Will.

They want to Censor Alternative Truth Bloggers Selectively in Real Time.

And they want to Censor Alternative Truth Newsletters Selectively in Real Time as well.

Remember the Book 1984? There was a “Ministry of Truth” in it… One in which Truth was Twisted into Lies, and Lies were Twisted into Truth.

This New Internet Security Center being built is our Federal Government’s Version of 1984′s “Ministry of Truth”.

This New Internet Security Center will *Have the Means* to Cut Off *Any and All* Communication between Us (the 99% of us) that the Federal Government wants to block for *Whatever Reason*.

Without the Ability to Communicate Over the Internet…

All of Us Smart and Well Meaning People that Are Using the Internet for the Common Good (the Good of All) are Either Going to be *Locked Up* or *Made Dead*.

Beware of this Utah Facility Being Completed in Early 2013!!! (And It May Even Be Completed Enough to Function Sooner.)


***WE 99% ALL LOSE***…


Due to this Internet Security Center being rushed to be designed and built…

Revolution Soon *Has Become A MUST*… or Both America’s Freedom *and* Many of Us Are Doomed. (Hitler is back.)

It Is Time For Revolution This July 4th! We May Not Get Another Chance After This to Use Facebook and Twitter as Communication Tools.

Without Internet Communication Tools the Revolution Does Not Stand a Chance In Hell of Succeeding.

No Truth Soldier Army, or Army of Any Sort, Can Fight Effectively When Deaf, Dumb, and Blind.

And that is *Exactly What This Ministry of Truth Makes Us*.

Deaf, Dumb, and Blind.

Please Think about this.

Your Very Life May Depend Upon It.

allend and his Lesbian420subSmarTTeam@Wordpress dot com

THE PRIMARY WEBSITE Promoting *The July 4th 2012 Revolution* is:

Important Note: The WORDPRESS WEBSITE *The July 4th 2012 Revolution* is a Website that HAS BEEN COMPLETED for the most part>>>WITH ONE NOTABLE EXCEPTION<<>>



This *Permanent Face Blog* on is a *Fluid and Dynamic Blog*.

As Such, *It Will Always Be* a Blog *Under Construction*.


The copy below is me talking in a Facebook Chat at approx. 10:20 PM on 4/9/2012.

Allen Darman: i survived 20 hit attempts since jan 2010 for real…. holy shit i got lucky enough to topple them with the last blog on wordpress
god is good for sure!
its party time for me!
i am the happiest man alive no shit
as of an hour or so ago… due to my blog [this blog] the feds are done on july 4th

the above blog was this war’s turning point we are WINNING NOW.. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME 88 DAYS OR SO
Chat Conversation End


The Copy Below Was a Result of My Having a Chat Tonight With a Fellow Revolutionary that is a Good Friend of Mine. (Despite our differences sometimes *He was my First Real Supporter*.)

Internet Woodstock 2012 is going to be held on or around our Nation’s Capital on July 4th, 5th, and 6th.

It May Also Be Held in our Nation’s Capital on July 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, etc., etc., etc. Until the Feds Go Down.

Internet Woodstock 2012 is Also Going to Be Held On or Around America’s Fifty State Capitals on July 4th, 5th, and 6th as well.

This is Going to Be *The First Internet Woodstock Ever Held!

Washington DC and State by State Details for Internet Woodstock 2012 Will Be Posted Here When I Become Aware of Them.

I Welcome Peoples in Other Lands to Organize and Hold Their Own Internet Woodstock’s beginning on July 4th as well.

*July 4th Worldwide Freedom Assembly 2012!* seems Like a Good Name for this First Internet Woodstock.

We Are Going to Change Human History!

Be There!


This is Going to be a Woodstock *On Short Notice* for sure.

Some say *Short Notice* for an event such as this Cannot Happen, for one would need *All Kinds of Permits* and Such.

I say *To Heck with All of the Red Tape and Regulations*.

This is a *Free and Peaceful Gathering* that *Needs to Happen Now* For *Numerous Good Reasons*… and *We Are All Free* (or will soon be as of July 4th).

I already have a Domain Name picked out for this *Internet Woodstock in 2012 idea*. ( I will fill the “X”‘s in soon.)

This *Internet Woodstock in 2012 idea* Will be the Next New Blog that I am working on. (One can expect something solidifying in this regard on WordPress within a few days.)

This Material is Going to Go On *a dot Com Site*. (I am awaiting a small loan so that I can pay the small fee for dot Com vs. dot WordPress dot Com.)

Even when I do *my first dot Com*, this dot Com Site Will Be Mirrored by Me on dot WordPress dot Com as well. (I owe the folks behind WordPress so much it’s not funny. I want them to be with me on the *Main Stage Platform* when Internet Woodstock 2012 Opens… that’s For Sure.)

More on this later today…


Just Think…On July 4th We Can Skype to our Fellow Truth Warriors and Freedom Fighters All Over the World!

And We Can IWOWWE Video Chat *And* IWOWWE Video Conference All Over the World While Being Translated In Real Time. (No Other Video Platform But IWOWWE can *Translate into Multiple Other Languages in Real Time*, to the Best of My Knowledge.)


*The Power of the Internet* Is Changing the World!… and It Is Doing So Exponentially Quickly

*The Power of the Internet* WILL CHANGE THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR THE BETTER on July 4th 2012.

The *Only Persons* that Do Not Know that the Above Two Paragraphs Are True Are *Our Politicians* It Seems.

They Still Want to Represent “Us”.

What a Joke.

“We Can Represent Ourselves Now”…

Via *The Power of the Internet*.


Just Think… On July 4th We Can Skype to our Fellow Truth Warriors and Freedom Fighters All Over the World!

And We Can IWOWWE Video Chat *And* IWOWWE Video Conference All Over the World While Being Translated In Real Time (or Close).


Just Think… We Can Skype and IWOWWE With Each Other While Smoking a Bowl!

Ahhh!… The Advantages of Technology!

Puff, Puff, Pass to All My 420 Friends!

Pot is Going to Be Legal Worldwide Soon! I think. (It Will Be Legal in All Fifty of the Freedom States of America if I Am Still Alive to Ensure This.)

And So Is Heroin and Cocaine Going to Be Legal (there will be an Age Restriction of course).

I Intend to Put Both the Legal and the Illegal Drug Industry in America Out Of Business (or close).

Every Human Being Should Have the Right to Control What They Put Into Their Body, as long as they are 18.


The Following Copy was Posted on my Allen Darman Facebook Wall at 12:01 4/10/2012:

YOU can Help America by Helping This Blog Go Viral using Facebook and Twitter sharing. The Feds Are Going Down at Internet Woodstock 2012! Be There!


The Above Section Represents A Useful Cut and Paste *Sharing Template* for You to Use When You Are Sharing with Your Facebook Friends.

Or Make Up A Useful Cut and Paste *Sharing Template* for this Blog of Your Own.

You Have Freedom to Do As You Wish in this Regard, of Course.

And You Will Soon Have Freedom Period (or Almost).

All It Will Take Is A Lot of Facebook and Twitter Sharing of this Historical Blog such that *It Goes Viral*, July 4th to Arrive, and Some Guns In the Hands of Some Attendees (to Protect Us From the Police and All Who Would Try to Suppress Us).

As Far As *Needed Guns to Support Us 99% on July 4th*, our Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan War Vets Would Be Perfect! They Were Trained for a Job Like This.

I suggest that Our Veterans Begin Independently Organizing *Freedom Militia’s* ASAP for *Every Capital in the Country* this July 4th, Whether this Capital Be Federal or State.

We Need Thousands of You Organized into Units, Armed, and Ready! BY JULY 4th, Especially In and Around Washington DC.


A Nutrientscure dot WordPress dot Com Blog Somewhat Related to this One:

The Financial Trigger To Crush Big Pharma Is In Place (2010)

The Biggest *Sell Short* Stock Plays in History Will Soon Occur When Wealthy Investors and Wall Street in General Becomes Aware of this July4threvolution Blog.

I Hereby Give My Permission to The Wall Street Journal and Forbes Magazine to Publish this Blog, as Long as it is Published in it’s Entirety, and It’s Title Remains Unchanged. I Will Allow A Second Title to Be Put *Over the Top of Mine*, such as “Huge Sell Short Opportunities *May Be* [or *Are*] Developing Worldwide”. Allen Darman


*None* of the Words that I Write Are Copyrighted. Anyone may use *My Words* and *My Blogs* in Any Manner that They Wish, to Include Sharing Them On Facebook (*the Best Social Networking Site*!), Twitter (*the Best Quick Communication Site*!), Yahoo Groups (*the Best Groups For People with a Common Interest Site*), Pakalert Press (*the Best Alternative News Site*), and NaturalNews (the *Best Anti-Pharma and Anti-GMO Site*). Reblogging my Blogs on WordPress is *Always Both Allowed and Recommended*. Incidentally, for Those Persons that *Are Unfamiliar With Blogging*… and *Want to Start Their First Blog*… WordPress is the *Best Blogging Platform*! on the Internet! I Can Not Thank the Folks Behind WordPress Enough for the MANY HUNDREDS OF HOURS of *FREE Help* that That They *Have Given To Me* Behind the Scenes (on “their end”) Since Thanksgiving 2011. The World *Owes WordPress a Giant Thank You*, and so do I. Allen Darman


Notable Quotes

My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living. Anais Nin

My ideas usually come from using a bong. AllenD


Tags: ,


Just Cause For Revolution In America; Stan Meyer and His Water Powered Car (1-20-2012)

Dear Fellow Americans:

The Power of the Internet *Unburied* the Incredible Story of Stan Meyer, a Genius From Ohio that *Invented a Water Powered Car* Back in the Early 1990’s.

Simply Google search for Stan Meyer water powered car.

Here is one site worth looking at:

YouTube also has some material in regard to this as per the link below:

What follows is a blog that I wrote in 2010 on the water powered car using another author’s material due to its being so well written:

The Water Car; An Article by Schuyler Ebbets on the Website at (8-25-2010)

Our own Federal Government *Absolutely Knew About the Validity of the Technology* Underlying the Water Powered Car way back in the early 1990′s when Stan Meyer invented such.

The U.S. Patent Office Knew about validity of the water powered car.

How did they know?

The U.S. Patent Office Knew because *they issued numerous patents to Stan Meyer for it*.

Stan Meyer met the Burden of Proof to Patent his incredible invention in the United States. He also met the Burden of Proof to Patent his Invention in many other countries around the world.

The Defense Department Knew about the water powered car of Stan Meyer. If you do some Internet research on Stan Meyer and the water powered you will find a reference (or references) to this. (I did.)

The Pentagon Knew about the water powered car of Stan Meyer. If you do some Internet research on Stan Meyer and the water powered you will find a reference (or references) to this. (I did.)

If the above mentioned parties knew about the water powered car, almost assuredly the President of the United States knew about the water powered car as well. (Was this George Bush Senior or Bill Clinton? I am not sure which. George Bush Senior was an “Oil man”, and the water powered car threatened the Oil Industry worldwide.)

What happened to Stan Meyer?

He was killed by poison while eating at a restaurant.

NATO Knew about the water powered car of Stan Meyer. Stan Meyer was meeting with NATO officials at the restaurant in question when he was poisoned.

[Incidentally, for those that think a water powered car using water for fuel is Impossible consider this… Stan Meyer is not the only man that Invented a Water Powered Car. A fellow named Daniel Dingel in the Philippines built about a hundred of them before he died not too long ago.]

Stanley Meyer’s Invention of a water powered car was simply Buried by the Powers That Be in our Federal Government.

Not only was Stan Meyer’s Incredible Invention buried when he was buried, this incredible invention stayed buried for many years afterward.

As far as our Federal Government is concerned, Stan Meyer’s Invention of the Water Powered Car is still meaningless today.


Stan Meyer’s Invention of Water Powered Car was buried until the Power of the Internet resurrected it… such that it became known about by hundreds of thousands of persons, and not just a few.

This single event of the Invention of a Water Powered Car being Totally Ignored (Suppressed) by our own Federal Government, not only back when Stan Meyer was killed, but *Up Until This Very Day*, should make one realize *Who Our Federal Government Actually Represents*.

Our own Federal Government represents *The Corporations, Not the People*.

We went to Afghanistan due to a False Flag Attack in which the Twin Towers and Building #7 were brought down by rigged explosives, and not airplanes crashing into them.

Then we went to War In Iraq under the False Pretense of Going After Terrorists, when we really went there to control their Oil.

Meanwhile, an ex-President and numerous persons employed in our own Federal Government (or retired from it) *Knew* that America could have been running it’s Entire Automobile and Truck Inventory *On Water Alone* as a fuel since the early to mid 1990′s.

Even Today *Not One* Congressperson or United States Senator *EVER MENTIONS* Stan Meyer and his Invention of the Water Powered Car.

Obama’s Regime dumped (wasted) five hundred million taxpayer dollars on a failed solar energy company called Soldynra. Imagine if even a tenth of this money was spent RESURRECTING THE PATENTED AND PROVEN TECHNOLOGY of the Water Powered Car.

If the above blog is not a Just Cause For Revolution in America, I do not know what is.

SmokeMasterAllenD and his WordPress Collaborative Internet Team


The Google Searchable Title of this July4threvolution WordPress Blog Is:

Just Cause For Revolution In America; Stan Meyer and His Water Powered Car (1-20-2012)


The Cut and Paste Web Address of this July4threvolution WordPress Blog Is:


A Note from Allen Darman: Any portion of this blog, or this blog in its entirety, can be used, copied, reprinted, reposted, or reblogged anywhere on the Internet, by any person or party that desires. This material may be used in any manner that  the reader wishes. It is not copyrighted in any way.

Hello world! (4-8-2012)

Hello world!


As of the Creation of this July4thRevolution WordPress Website, I Now Have *Two Active WordPress Websites*.

My Other Active WordPress Website Is Nutrientscure dot WordPress dot Com at [This has changed since this July4thRevolution WordPress Blog was written on April 8, 2012. See for more details.]

There are *Over 1200 Blogs* published on

My Nutrientscure WordPress Site is Admittedly an Organization Mess.

In part this is due to my Changing Interests over the years. For a while I was almost solely interested in topics in the Alternative Medical Arena. Then I became interested in the Suppression of Free Energy Inventions, and the Suppression of Truth In General. Last fall I became interested in Blogging to Help Educate the OWS Movement.

Finally I found my True Calling, which is to *Help to Define* and *Offer to Lead* a New Internet Based Government for the New Freedom States of America. (This Is What This New July4thRevolution WordPress Blog Is All About.)

Please bear with me in regard to Copying Numerous Nutrientscure WordPress Blogs to this New July4thRevolution WordPress Website. Copying Numerous Blogs from One Blogging Platform to Another is a tedious task that is going to take me some time.

By Monday Evening I expect to Publish My First *Original Blog* For

I Expect My First *Original Blog* on July4threvolution To Be a *World Changing One*.

I believe that the World will *Like* this New July4threvolution WordPress Website, as Well as Find It Very Interesting and Insightful.

Allen Darman


My God!!! When Will These Poison Gas Murder Attempts On Allen Darman’s Two Dear Lesbian WordPress Website Development Specialists, 420subs, Lovers, and Friends End??? (1-10-2013)

Facebook Useful and Tweetable Link:

My God!!! When will these poison gas murder attempts on my two dear Lesbian WordPress Website Development Specialists, Lovers, and Friends End???

We three have worked out a system on the WordPress Website  so that I Know For Certain Whether
and When the Two Lesbian Members of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Are Getting Whacked With Poison Gas.

In checking the Above Website at Eight Thirty pm, I got the Bad News that My Two Heroic Helpers and Special Friends Are Being Subjected to Poison Gas by Either the Mafia or the Federal Government Again.

Even though I am nearly certain it is our Federal Government that has been using Hackers to remove and corrupt our Team’s WordPress Blogs, when it comes to these Poison Gas attacks, I suspect the Mafia is more likely to be behind them than the Feds.

If these Two Lesbian Heroes are Murdered, after our Federal Government falls to the Truth, the New American Internet Based Government should martial all the Power and Might of the Military and Intelligence Community to Go After the Mafia With Every Ounce Of Power And Strength that this country has.

I was, and still am, willing to work with the Mafia on a Mutually Beneficial Win-Win Basis after our Federal Government falls. The Mafia has gained a great deal of Power in both America and the World. I would like to see that the Mafia uses this Power For Good in America, and in turn I pledge to do all that I can to see that you are well compensated fiscally for this (more than you make now).

However, if my two girls are Murdered ALL BETS ARE OFF. If my two girls are killed, I will fight the Mafia until the day I die, and I will never try to collaborate with them in any way, shape, or form for the rest of my life, however long or short my life will be.

A few words stated directly to the Mafia: If it is not you that is trying to kill my two girls with poison gas, it would be wise for you to find out who is trying to kill them, and stop this party from continuing to do so. If it is you trying to kill them (as I strongly suspect) it would be wise for you to not only Stop Doing This, but actually use your considerable power to protect them.

A few words stated to the American Public: If my two girls die at the hands of the Mafia, I am likely to be next. When you succeed at overthrowing our Corporate and Mafia Controlled Federal Government, your Next Step towards Freedom Should Be To Spend Tens of Billions Going After the Mafia from Coast to Coast, and either imprison them, execute them, or deport them, depending on what each individual member had done, or was likely to have done.

A few words stated to Internet Freedom Fighters Everywhere: If my two girls die, you would be wise to realize that you have three enemies in regard to regaining and retaining your internet freedom. One is “the Corporations”, two is “federal governments”, and three is “the Mafia”. To regain and/or retain your Internet Freedom and Freedom In General You Need to Vanquish ALL THREE ENEMIES, and NOT JUST ONE OR TWO.

The single exception to the above general rule might be in regard to the American Mafia as follows: If I am successful in overthrowing our Corrupt Federal Government, and the Mafia reverses its position In Support of our Federal Government (which it controls in a Big Way) and In Support of Various Corporations, I see numerous uses for the Mafia, and they should be paid for such. However, I should note that I have yet to see one single concession from the American Mafia, and they have been the party that has tried to kill me Numerous Times since January 2010.

Allen Darman

Notable Quotes

The desire to write grows with writing.Desiderius Erasmus


A Complex Battle Between At Least Ten Power Structures Is Now Underway; REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s ONLY CHOICE (1-9-2013)

A Complex Battle Between At Least Eight Power Structures Is NOW Underway (Google Seems To Have Joined My WordPress Collaborative Team); REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s Only Choice!

 Reblogged from July4threvolution:

 ***Important Prefacing Note Dated January 9, 2013: The Complex Battle Referred to in this WordPress Blog Actually Involves Ten Power Structures, Rather Than the Seven or Eight Power Structures that the Title of Previous Versions of this “Complex Battle WordPress Blog” refers to (and the copy below alludes to). Therefore its Title has been changed to “A Complex Battle Between At Least Ten Power Structures Is Now Underway; REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s ONLY CHOICE (1-9-2013)”. 

In addition to Google seemingly joining My Revolutionary Collaborative Team of Four Heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists (an Event that changed the Original Post of this “Complex Battle WordPress Blog” from Seven to Eight Power Structures), it is *Now Apparent To Me* that both Facebook and WordPress have become Aware Of and Are Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team as well. Facebook and WordPress represent Power Structures #9 and #10. Twitter may also be aware of us and supportive as well. If so, eleven power structures are now involved in this Complex Battle Between “The 99% of Us” and “Those In the Corporate and Governmental World that Continue to Want To Tell Us a Pack of Lies”.

Both the United States of America and the World Stand At A Very Major Crossroad In Human History, if Not the Penultimate One.

The Growth and Development of the Internet has Awakened Millions of Persons Around the World to the Fact We the General Public Are Being Told A Myriad of Lies, or Lies of Omission, by Numerous Corporations, Numerous Industries, and Numerous State and Federal Governments, to include our own Federal Government here in the United States.

The Exposure of a Number of Lies By the Powers That Be via an Open and Free Internet will Inevitably Breed Justifiable Revolution, both here in the United States and Worldwide.

There is a Major Movement Underway by the Powers that Be to Curtail Internet Freedom, and To Silence By Secretive Murder Some of the Leading Internet Revolutionaries. (EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team is Under the Threat of Either Imprisonment or Death at the Moment. Three Out Of Four Of Us Have Had To Survive Multiple Attempts To Murder Us. In regard to two of these three persons, the multiple murder attempts were quite recent.)

Although Some Of Us May Be Killed Fighting For Internet Freedom and Freedom In General, It Is My Firm Belief that the Truth Will Inevitably Win Out Over the Lies.

There is No Stopping the Truth Now!

For All Those That Wish To Stop the Truth From Reaching The Light Of Day,
all that I have to say to you is “It Is Simply Too Late!”.

Thank WordPress, Google, Facebook, Twitter, 2 Lesbian 420sub Heroes in San Francisco, Mark in Florida, my Father and my Mother, and God!

Allen Darman  [end of prefacing note]

The Power Structures in this Complex Battle that My Revolutionary Collaborative Internet Team’s WordPress Website Development and WordPress Blogging Initiated are as Follows…

 Power Structure Number One… the Corporations.

The Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two… Federal Governments Worldwide… to Include our own Federal Government Of Course…

Read more… 301 more words

Notable Quotes

The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.Agatha Christie

The best time for planning a Revolution is when you are Smoking a Bong and Blogging on WordPress in the middle of the night at home! 420SmokeMasterAllenD

There Are A Lot Of Helicopter Overflights Today (1-7-2013)


This could mean nothing, but it could mean a Great Deal as well.

Helicopters have been used against me a Number of Times in the past three years to either Spot Me or Gather Aerial Pictures And Information.

Due to My WordPress Blogging And My Team Participation in the WordPress Development Of Multiple WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Revolutionary Websites, and Due to My Numerous Alternative Medical Discoveries and/or Co-Discoveries over the years, I Will Be A Murder Target for Big Pharma, Conventional Medicine, Big Oil, and the United States Federal Government for the Rest of My Life. It Is Already A Miracle that I Have Lasted This Long, as many Attempts by the Mafia that there have been to Take My Life Since January 6, 2010. Our Federal Government Is NOT Innocent here; they want me Dead too. They Are Aware the Mafia has tried to kill me many times, yet they just Stand On the Sidelines And Watch. (A Witness to Murder that does nothing to stop it is a Murderer too.)

Allen Darman

Internet Freedom Is Dead In America!!! Federal Government Censors And Hackers Continue To Actively Remove Key WordPress Internet Team Blogs From A Number Of Our Websites And People Keep TRYING TO MURDER Two Of Our Team (12-29-2012)

May God Help America If These Two Heroic Lesbian WordPress Website Development Specialists Go Down Without Some Party With The Power To Save Them Stepping In…
And Giving Them Adequate Help In Order For Them To Continue to Stay Alive and Fight for Internet Freedom and So Many Other Worthwhile Causes.

Nutrientscure's Blog

My Two Heroic Lesbian WordPress Website
Development Specialists ARE CURRENTLY

Shame On America If These Two Heroes Die
Without Ever Getting Adequate Help.

Allen Darman

View original post


Posted on December 31, 2012


April 9, 2012


The new *Two Billion Dollar* Internet Cyber Security Center being built in Utah Will *Absolutely Have the Power* to *Shut Down the Internet in Whole or In Part*.

Internet Cyber Security Center?

I do not care what the Feds call this new place… for this is *What It Is*.

The Real Reason It Is Being Built (regardless of what our treacherous Federal Government says) is that…

The Feds are Justifiably Concerned that what happened in Tunisia and Egypt Revolution-wise Will Soon Happen Here in the United States.

They are Afraid.

This Internet Security Center Is Primarily Being Built *To Stop Inevitable Revolution*… Make No Mistake About This… No Matter How Many Lies the Feds Spew Out.

One Goal Here Is For the Feds to *Be Able To Monitor Virtually All Internet Activity*, to Include All Internet Communication Between People of Any Sort.

However, the Feds have Other More Sinister Goals here as well.

They want to be able to Block Emails That Are a Threat to Them in Real Time (or close).

They want to be able to Censor Video Uploads to YouTube or *Any Other Video Platform* Selectively or in Real Time as well.

They want to be able to Censor Facebook and Twitter Selectively in Real Time, and/or Shut Them Completely Down at Will.

They want to Censor Alternative Truth Bloggers Selectively in Real Time.

And they want to Censor Alternative Truth Newsletters Selectively in Real Time as well.

Remember the Book 1984? There was a “Ministry of Truth” in it… One in which Truth was Twisted into Lies, and Lies were Twisted into Truth.

This New Internet Security Center being built is our Federal Government’s Version of 1984′s “Ministry of Truth”.

This New Internet Security Center will *Have the Means* to Cut Off *Any and All* Communication between Us (the 99% of us) that the Federal Government wants to block for *Whatever Reason*.

Without the Ability to Communicate Over the Internet…

All of Us Smart and Well Meaning People that Are Using the Internet for the Common Good (the Good of All) are Either Going to be *Locked Up* or *Made Dead*.

Beware of this Utah Facility Being Completed in Early 2013!!! (And It May Even Be Completed Enough to Function Sooner.)


***WE 99% ALL LOSE***…


Due to this Internet Security Center being rushed to be designed and built…

Revolution Soon *Has Become A MUST*… or Both America’s Freedom *and* Many of Us Are Doomed. (Hitler is back.)

It Is Time For Revolution This July 4th! We May Not Get Another Chance After This to Use Facebook and Twitter as Communication Tools.

Without Internet Communication Tools the Revolution Does Not Stand a Chance In Hell of Succeeding.

No Truth Soldier Army, or Army of Any Sort, Can Fight Effectively When Deaf, Dumb, and Blind.

And that is *Exactly What This Ministry of Truth Makes Us*.

Deaf, Dumb, and Blind.

Please Think about this.

Your Very Life May Depend Upon It.

Allen D


Mother Hen Website:


My Primary Website Promoting *The July 4th 2012 Revolution*


This *Permanent Face Blog* on is a *Fluid and Dynamic Blog*.

As Such, *It Will Always Be* a Blog *Under Construction*.


The copy below is me talking in a Facebook Chat at approx. 10:20 PM on 4/9/2012.

Allen Darman: i survived 20 hit attempts since jan 2010 for real…. holy shit i got lucky enough to topple them with the last blog on wordpress
god is good for sure!
its party time for me!
i am the happiest man alive no shit
as of an hour or so ago… due to my blog [this blog] the feds are done on july 4th

the above blog was this war’s turning point we are WINNING NOW.. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME 88 DAYS OR SO
Chat Conversation End


The Copy Below Was a Result of My Having a Chat Tonight With a Fellow Revolutionary that is a Good Friend of Mine. (Despite our differences sometimes *He was my First Real Supporter*.)

Internet Woodstock 2012 is going to be held on or around our Nation’s Capital on July 4th, 5th, and 6th.

It May Also Be Held in our Nation’s Capital on July 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, etc., etc., etc. Until the Feds Go Down.

Internet Woodstock 2012 is Also Going to Be Held On or Around America’s Fifty State Capitals on July 4th, 5th, and 6th as well.

This is Going to Be *The First Internet Woodstock Ever Held!

Washington DC and State by State Details for Internet Woodstock 2012 Will Be Posted Here When I Become Aware of Them.

I Welcome Peoples in Other Lands to Organize and Hold Their Own Internet Woodstock’s beginning on July 4th as well.

*July 4th Worldwide Freedom Assembly 2012!* seems Like a Good Name for this First Internet Woodstock.

We Are Going to Change Human History!

Be There!


This is Going to be a Woodstock *On Short Notice* for sure.

Some say *Short Notice* for an event such as this Cannot Happen, for one would need *All Kinds of Permits* and Such.

I say *To Heck with All of the Red Tape and Regulations*.

This is a *Free and Peaceful Gathering* that *Needs to Happen Now* For *Numerous Good Reasons*… and *We Are All Free* (or will soon be as of July 4th).

I already have a Domain Name picked out for this *Internet Woodstock in 2012 idea*. ( I will fill the “X”‘s in soon.)

This *Internet Woodstock in 2012 idea* Will be the Next New Blog that I am working on. (One can expect something solidifying in this regard on WordPress within a few days.)

This Material is Going to Go On *a dot Com Site*. (I am awaiting a small loan so that I can pay the small fee for dot Com vs. dot WordPress dot Com.)

Even when I do *my first dot Com*, this dot Com Site Will Be Mirrored by Me on dot WordPress dot Com as well. (I owe the folks behind WordPress so much it’s not funny. I want them to be with me on the *Main Stage Platform* when Internet Woodstock 2012 Opens… that’s For Sure.)

More on this later today…


Just Think…On July 4th We Can Skype to our Fellow Truth Warriors and Freedom Fighters All Over the World!

And We Can IWOWWE Video Chat *And* IWOWWE Video Conference All Over the World While Being Translated In Real Time. (No Other Video Platform But IWOWWE can *Translate into Multiple Other Languages in Real Time*, to the Best of My Knowledge.)


*The Power of the Internet* Is Changing the World!… and It Is Doing So Exponentially Quickly

*The Power of the Internet* WILL CHANGE THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR THE BETTER on July 4th 2012.

The *Only Persons* that Do Not Know that the Above Two Paragraphs Are True Are *Our Politicians* It Seems.

They Still Want to Represent “Us”.

What a Joke.

“We Can Represent Ourselves Now”…

Via *The Power of the Internet*.


Just Think… On July 4th We Can Skype to our Fellow Truth Warriors and Freedom Fighters All Over the World!

And We Can IWOWWE Video Chat *And* IWOWWE Video Conference All Over the World While Being Translated In Real Time (or Close).


Just Think… We Can Skype and IWOWWE With Each Other While Smoking a Bowl!

Ahhh!… The Advantages of Technology!

Puff, Puff, Pass to All My 420 Friends!

Pot is Going to Be Legal Worldwide Soon! I think. (It Will Be Legal in All Fifty of the Freedom States of America if I Am Still Alive to Ensure This.)

And So Is Heroin and Cocaine Going to Be Legal (there will be an Age Restriction of course).

I Intend to Put Both the Legal and the Illegal Drug Industry in America Out Of Business (or close).

Every Human Being Should Have the Right to Control What They Put Into Their Body, as long as they are 18.


The Following Copy was Posted on my Allen Darman Facebook Wall at 12:01 4/10/2012:

YOU can Help America by Helping This Blog Go Viral using Facebook and Twitter sharing. The Feds Are Going Down at Internet Woodstock 2012! Be There!


The Above Section Represents A Useful Cut and Paste *Sharing Template* for You to Use When You Are Sharing with Your Facebook Friends.

Or Make Up A Useful Cut and Paste *Sharing Template* for this Blog of Your Own.

You Have Freedom to Do As You Wish in this Regard, of Course.

And You Will Soon Have Freedom Period (or Almost).

All It Will Take Is A Lot of Facebook and Twitter Sharing of this Historical Blog such that *It Goes Viral*, July 4th to Arrive, and Some Guns In the Hands of Some Attendees (to Protect Us From the Police and All Who Would Try to Suppress Us).

As Far As *Needed Guns to Support Us 99% on July 4th*, our Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan War Vets Would Be Perfect! They Were Trained for a Job Like This.

I suggest that Our Veterans Begin Independently Organizing *Freedom Militia’s* ASAP for *Every Capital in the Country* this July 4th, Whether this Capital Be Federal or State.

We Need Thousands of You Organized into Units, Armed, and Ready! BY JULY 4th, Especially In and Around Washington DC.


A Nutrientscure dot WordPress dot Com Blog Somewhat Related to this One:

The Financial Trigger To Crush Big Pharma Is In Place (2010)

The Biggest *Sell Short* Stock Plays in History Will Soon Occur When Wealthy Investors and Wall Street in General Becomes Aware of this July4threvolution Blog.

I Hereby Give My Permission to The Wall Street Journal and Forbes Magazine to Publish this Blog, as Long as it is Published in it’s Entirety, and It’s Title Remains Unchanged. I Will Allow A Second Title to Be Put *Over the Top of Mine*, such as “Huge Sell Short Opportunities *May Be* [or *Are*] Developing Worldwide”. Allen Darman


*None* of the Words that I Write Are Copyrighted.  Anyone may use *My Words* and *My Blogs* in Any Manner that They Wish, to Include Sharing Them On Facebook (*the Best Social Networking Site*!), Twitter (*the Best Quick Communication Site*!), Yahoo Groups (*the Best Groups For People with a Common Interest Site*), Pakalert Press (*the Best Alternative News Site*), and NaturalNews (the *Best Anti-Pharma and Anti-GMO Site*). Reblogging my Blogs on WordPress is *Always Both Allowed and Recommended*.  Incidentally, for Those Persons that *Are Unfamiliar With Blogging*… and *Want to Start Their First Blog*… WordPress is the *Best Blogging Platform*! on the Internet! I Can Not Thank the Folks Behind WordPress Enough for the MANY HUNDREDS OF HOURS of *FREE Help* that That They *Have Given To Me* Behind the Scenes (on “their end”) Since Thanksgiving 2011. The World *Owes WordPress a Giant Thank You*, and so do I. Allen Darman


Notable Quotes

My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living. Anais Nin

Writing is a struggle against silence.Carlos Fuentes

I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter.Blaise Pascal


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